ESPN to Capitalize on Lebron James Decision Popularity
The popularity of the Lebron James free agency Decision special has prompted ESPN to launch a new network. ESPNLJ will be available as part of the ESPN network package starting this fall. ESPNLJ will offer continuous programming dedicated to Lebron James.
The network will update fans on all of James’ decisions including: what the King chooses to have for breakfast, the type of soap he chooses to use in the shower, his gym routines and types of bowel movements. The network will also inform viewers about James' entourage, where they eat and which server they stiff on a tip. The other ESPN networks will be updated on the hour with full details.
World Cup Still Going On!
Yeah, we had no clue either! But, while enjoying some pints at our favorite British pub, the Red Lion Grog House, the other night some guy was actually watching it, in spite of the USA’s elimination. He assured us it really was the World Cup. The final game – sorry – the final “match” will be played sometime in the near future. The four teams remaining are Spain, Germany, some other European country and, I don’t know, let’s say Madagascar. That other European country probably has good beer. Go other country, Hooray Beer!
Reporting by Dudley Dawson & C. Bommarito