The Butler did it
The Butler Bulldogs, with a hammer, to the face of the Syracuse Orange, in Salt Lake City, on the floor of Energy Solutions Arena.
This win by Butler only underscores Indianapolis’ indisputable dominance over New York. The Jets received a similar thrashing at the hands of the Colts earlier this year and then New Yorkers had to relive the cruel reign of Reggie Miller in the ESPN ‘30 at 30’ film, “Winning Time, Reggie Miller’s Ass Waxing of the New York Knicks.” Regardless, suck it New York! You slobber at the proximity of our drug companies!
Pacers continue winning slump
The Indiana Pacers have won four in a row and six out of their last ten, dropping from 3rd to 9th in the NBA Draft standings. This leaves the team out of range of college phenoms like Evan Turner or John Wall.
Clown-coach, Jim O'Brien clearly hasn't looked at his team's record since the first week of the season and continues to work for a playoff spot, thereby delivering fans the perfect turd of a season – horrible to watch, yet also disastrous to the club's future.
If they continue their winning ways they'll remain at the nine spot in the draft and presumably pick Kansas giant, Cole Aldrich, this decade's version of Bryant 'Big Country' Reeves.