"We feel it’s a win-win situation and a great way for the local government to bring in some extra coin,” says City Ad Sales Director Chuck Donaldson. “Plus in a test setting, seven out of ten people who used KFC extinguishers to put out kitchen fires felt hungry for some fiery chicken wings afterwards."
With the early success of the KFC campaign, city officials are actively pursuing sponsorships for other government run properties.
"Several entities have expressed interest in this relatively inexpensive form of advertisement,” says Donaldson. “We are in negotiations with Trojan Condoms to sponsor a few area rest stops. We're close to a deal with White Castle to advertise on city public restrooms. We've even been in contact with MC Hammer's people to discuss traffic sign advertisements.
The list could grow much larger. A City Council insider informed The Indianapoliser several other deals are rumored, such as Coors Light to sponsor the Indiana Department of Transportation, posting advertisements on all major highways. Other rumors include Grand Theft Auto to sponsor IMPD cruisers, Barnes & Nobles to sponsor the Central Library, and rock band Nickelback hopes to advertise on the Soldiers and Sailors Monument.
As cash strapped state and local governments look to become more creative in generating revenue Indianapolis residents may have to get used to added advertisements in their every day lives.
Story by Dudley Dawson